I am just back from two weeks in Ireland with 24 family members! I had hoped to blog from the road, but days of touring and activities, followed by naps, dinners, and several pints… two whole weeks escaped me entirely! With only one pen in my purse, I did not faithfully write up a list for each new day, and instead ate bacon and eggs every morning, drank coffee with caffeine, avoided the [what I remember to be] delicious brown bread, spent amazing time with family members in groups and individually, watched more live music than I did as a 20-something, enjoyed it thoroughly, and then most nights fell into bed half asleep before the lights were out.
It was goooooood!
Stories to follow.
And apologies for getting a dog sitter, but not a blog sitter.
If you are in the North Country, stop by and poke Anna. She is having a seriously BUSY summer too!